Creatine: An Unbiased Review of the Medical & Scientific Research! The Best Form For Muscle Growth!

Creatine: An Unbiased Review of the Medical & Scientific Research! The Best Form For Muscle Growth!

Creatine: An Unbiased Review of the Medical & Scientific Research! The Best Form For Muscle Growth! Creatine is actually well-backed by research and is considered as a very effective supplement. However, the supplement industry has created a lot of confusion by producing various forms of Creatine! Naz will Debunk the Common Creatine Myths in 2 minutes and give you an evidence based answer to:

What’s the best form of Creatine?

This video covers: 

What is the Best Form of Creatine? 

Is Creatine HCL Better?

Review on all creatine forms/versions? 

Micronized Creatine  MONOHYDRATE is Best Creatine SUPPLEMENT!

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Creatine serves as a temporary emergency backup which supplies energy to the cells when ATP - the body’s main energy store - is in short supply. Unfortunately, creatine has a limited lifespan inside the cell and must be continually replaced. 

As your muscle mass increases, so does your need for creatine. To keep up with creatine production, your body ultimately uses up much of its amino acid supplies. Supplementing with creatine means that the body does not need to make it from amino acids that could otherwise be used for making new proteins, such as those found in new muscle fibres. 


The content provided in this video is designed to provide helpful information on the topics discussed. This video is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should consult a doctor about matters relating to your health, and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The advice provided in this video is intended for healthy adults; you should consult your doctor to ensure it is suitable for your individual circumstances, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.


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